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Neta Spektor

Showing all posts by Neta Spektor

Legit Security | What You Need To Know About the EU Cyber Resilience Act. Understand what the CRA entails and how to comply.

What You Need to Know About the EU Cyber Resilience Act

July 08, 2024

What You Need To Know About the EU Cyber Resilience Act. Understand what the CRA entails and how to comply.

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Gain insights in the latest changes in PCI DSS version 4 with this quick overview, highlighting the primary changes and how to best prepare for them.

Navigating the Shift: Unveiling the changes in PCI DSS version 4

February 07, 2024

Gain insights in the latest changes in PCI DSS version 4 with this quick overview, highlighting the primary changes and how to best prepare for them.

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Legit Security | Dive into NIST's SP 800-204D IPD: Secure DevSecOps CI/CD Pipelines Guide. Get strategies for software supply chain security integration.

From Theory to Practice: Navigating NIST's CI/CD Security Strategies

September 11, 2023

Dive into NIST's SP 800-204D IPD: Secure DevSecOps CI/CD Pipelines Guide. Get strategies for software supply chain security integration.

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Legit Security | On May 20th, PyPI (the official Python Package manager) announced they are temporarily suspending new users and new project registration.

Supply Chain Attacks Overflow: PyPI Suspended New Registrations

May 22, 2023

On May 20th, PyPI (the official Python Package manager) announced they are temporarily suspending new users and new project registration.

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